More of My Mother-in-Law

My mother-in-law's health situation worsened in the past few days. I and my wife were troubled last Monday night when Aunt Conching called at past 10 PM to inform us that Nanay (mother) was unconcsious (due to complications of her diabetis). We advised her to bring Nanay to the nearest hospital. We immediately rushed to the hospital(in Tanay, more than 20 km away) only to find out that she has not been treated or revived. Only oxygen kept her breathing. They can't transfer her to another hospital because there was no available ambulance personnel at the time. Me and my wife with the help of other relatives did our best to look for another ambulance so we could transfer her to the nearby town's hospital. At the Queen Mary's Hospital in Cardona, she was finally revived and regained conciousness at exactly 1 AM, but then again hospital facility became another problem. With the help of Dr. Soriano who coordinated the situation to another hospital, we brought Nanay to the Unciano General Hospital in Antipolo City and was finally admitted at 4:30 in the morning.

We are praying hard for her immediate recovery.

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